Special Interest Series

Niche programs for HR, Learning and Development Professionals, incumbents of Critical Positions and Key Talents in the organization. These courses are deep in content and essential for individual as well as organization success. Click or tap on an image to learn more about the course.

Every component of instruction is governed by the learning outcomes. Instructional design aims for a learner-centered versus traditional teacher-centered approach to instruction, so that effective learning can take place.

A transformative approach that empowers individuals and organizations to forge meaningful collaborations, drive innovation, and achieve mutual success

The importance of big data has less to do with how much data you have… but with what you do with it. You can take data from any source and analyze it to find answers that enable cost reductions, new product development, or smart decision making.

Make sure you get the right hire. Know a candidate's thinking style, tendencies, motivations, and preferences, and predict their fitness to the role and your organization.

Understanding the psychology of customer interactions and honing your communication prowess helps foster a customer-centric culture.

If you’re not sure whether or not your efforts are yielding equitable results for the organization, understanding ROI is a key way to tell what’s working and what isn’t. The ability to calculate the return on investment of your learning and development initiatives is extremely valuable.

Raw data, no matter how valuable, often remains inaccessible and overwhelming without the power of effective visualization.

Without the practice of project management, organizations would find themselves drowning in an ocean of failed initiatives and processes with few options of salvation. All organizations need to take project management seriously in order to survive and thrive.

Master the art of quality management to elevate standards and drive excellence in your workplace.

Enhance your professional communication with the art of effective business writing, ensuring every word you write conveys clarity and influence.

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