Business Series

From Strategic Planning and Execution, to Diversity and Inclusiveness, the workshops in this series will help leaders and managers create specific direction and lasting changes in their teams and organizations. Click or tap on an image to learn more about the course.

Leaders must translate strategy into specific actions. To avoid poor execution of good strategies, leaders must have the ability to clearly define and communicate the strategy to employees, clear the path by removing obstacles, and guide the team in making commitments that have the highest impact.

Developing a succession pipeline is an important strategy. Done well, the end result of a responsive succession program is a well-oiled machine with a multitude of favorable outcomes for both your talent pool and the organization.

An effective talent management strategy is built on the strong foundation of a relevant, robust and reliable Competency Framework which defines a shared understanding of what makes for superior performance in the organization.

A diverse workforce has significant business benefits, but diversity alone doesn’t move your entire business forward – inclusion is an integral part. Even if the room is vastly diverse, if those unique perspectives aren’t being heard and people do not feel a sense of belonging, the impact is lost.

As leaders seek to build a more agile organization, they often find themselves shackled to organizational designs which are not in alignment with their selected strategies. By reviewing an organization’s structure, leaders can determine which resources are available, how they are allocated, which are lacking and what could be leveraged.

Competency integration is crucial for HR as it enhances recruitment, training, and performance management by providing a structured framework to identify, develop, and retain employees who can contribute effectively to the organization's goals.

Master the design and application of standardized evaluation frameworks to accurately assess workforce capabilities, identify high-potential talent, and drive competency-based development.

Workforce planning and management are crucial for aligning an organization's human resources with its strategic goals, ensuring optimal utilization of talent and resources.

Employee engagement is a critical driver and determinant of business success. High levels of engagement promote retention of talent, foster customer loyalty and improve organizational performance and stakeholder value.

Learn a structured approach to regularly revisit and refresh competency model components like frameworks and matrices so they dynamically align talent priorities to evolving organizational imperatives.

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