Stress Management Misconceptions

We all experience stress; it is a universal experience, an unavoidable part of being human. But unmanaged stress can take a heavy toll on our health and wellbeing. Which is why it is important to find effective methods to manage it. However, certain misconceptions about stress and stress management persist, and these misconceptions may negatively impact our ability to relieve stress in our life. Here are some of the most common and most damaging stress-related misconceptions –

#1 – Stress Management Is About Eliminating Stress

We may tend to think that stress management is about cutting out everything in life that brings stress. This is far from the actual truth; we need at least some stress in our life in order to optimally function. Without stress we wouldn’t be challenged and forced to grow. It is healthier to accept that stress is a part of life, and then work to manage the stressors we cannot eliminate from our life.

#2 – With the Right Attitude, We Never Need to Feel Stressed 

We were once taught that the right attitude is the only difference between a stressed person and a serene one. While a shift in attitude can make a very significant difference in stress levels, too much stress will take a toll even if you approach it head-on. It is better to work on maintaining a positive attitude and thinking about our life in a strengths-based way.

#3 – Learn the Right Techniques and Stress Will Be Gone 

Stress management techniques like exercise, meditation, and positive thinking can minimize our experience of stress and create resilience toward stress. Sure, stress relief techniques are there to help us feel calm and balanced, but it sometimes also requires a little work to get back after a stressor hits. Some stressors are inevitable, and stress management techniques cannot prevent this, but they can help us to better cope.

Getting smart about stress is key to managing it in a way that serves us and keeps us healthy. But there are so many half-truths and falsehoods about how stress can play out that it can be hard to know where to start. You can help clear your path to success by having the misconceptions we covered here in this article in check.


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