
William James said, “When we have to make a choice and don't make it, that in itself is a choice.” If we limit our choices only to what seems possible or reasonable, we disconnect ourself from what we truly want, and all that is left is a compromise. There’s this sad African folk tale about a bird that made a choice –

There was once a truly beautiful bird – strong, free, and very brave. Nothing at all frightened it. It would fly wherever it chose to and was very proud of its very colorful and vibrant plumage. 

One day, the bird decided to settle down and build a nest for itself. And so, one by one, it began to pluck out its feathers and to use them to build a beautiful nest, one that was comfortable and gave the bird a true sense of security. 

And the bird was happy! 

But it could no longer fly.

We choose our sorrows and joys long before we experience them. We hardly ever realize that we can cut anything out of our lives, anytime, in the blink of an eye. But just how much is free choice and how much is pre-determined? What price do you pay for avoiding making a choice? What kind of relationship do you choose to be in? What do you choose to be, and what do you choose to express?


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