Building Blocks for Employee Engagement

Batch 2 of DOH’s Central Visayas Center for Health Development’s three-day workshop on organization awareness and commitment was recently concluded! Here’s how the session rolled out –

The first day of the workshop focused on the balanced scorecard, which is a strategic management tool used to measure an organization's performance. The attendees learned about the different perspectives of the balanced scorecard and learned how their position in the organization can influence the strategy of their organization and how their contribution can help achieve the strategic goals of the organization.

The second day of the workshop focused on strengthening formal and informal channels of communication within the organization. Attendees learned about the different types of communication channels, and learned about the importance of effective communication in building relationships and achieving organizational goals. The participants were taught how to identify and access the formal and informal communication channels in their organizations, and how to use them to enhance their awareness of their organization.

Finally, on the third day, the workshop focused on building networks and ensuring mutual benefit. The attendees learned about the importance of networking in building relationships and achieving organizational goals. They also learned how to build effective networks, and how to ensure that the networks they build are mutually beneficial. The participants were taught how to identify the key stakeholders in their organization, and how to build strong relationships with them.

Overall, the three-day workshop on organization awareness and commitment was a great success, as it provided valuable insights and practical strategies for enhancing the level of awareness and commitment among employees. The attendees left the workshop with a deeper understanding of the balanced scorecard and its importance in achieving organizational goals, a stronger sense of awareness of the formal and informal communication channels in their organization, and a greater commitment to building effective networks that are mutually beneficial.

The workshop is a testament to the importance of investing in human capital development, and the benefits that can be derived from it in the long run.

Interested in something similar for your organization? Check out the course Strategic Planning and Execution, The Partnering Cycle, and Working in Teams, or drop me a line! Let’s make something awesome together!


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