Job and Career: What’s the Difference?

While jobs and careers both enable us to earn and support ourselves and our families, they do not mean the same thing. It is important to know whether you’re looking for a job or for a career to plan your professional goals.

A job is work you perform to earn money to support your basic needs. It can be full-time or part-time and may be short-term. You might earn an hourly wage or a set paycheck rather than a salary with benefits. You might need to learn certain skills connected with that role, but not all jobs require a specialized degree or advanced training.

A career, meanwhile, is a long-term professional journey you determine based on your passions. It is the path you embark upon to fulfill your professional goals and ambitions. Those pursuing careers often have set salaries with benefits, but also gain benefits beyond money, such as personal pride, work satisfaction and self-worth.

A career might last for your entire life. You could hold numerous jobs under many employers in your chosen industry that you progress through during your career. You will likely hold many jobs throughout your career, even if you don’t have a set career path in mind when you first join the workforce.

Jobs and careers are interconnected, as a lifetime of jobs makes up the career you choose. Most people start at the bottom with an entry-level or low-paying job before progressing through different jobs in their industry to gain the experience needed to meet their long-term goals. The skills and knowledge you develop in each role can contribute to success in your career.


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