Hello, Kitty

You’ll have fun with this one. It’s a simple and short group game that’s all about trying to make each other crack a smile. Simply, participants take turns being 'kitties' and 'puppies'. The puppies try to make the kitties crack a smile or laugh. The last kitty standing is the winner!

  1. Draw a line in the middle of the room with masking tape.

  2. Split the group in two and have them stand on opposite sides of the line. One side are the kittens, the other side are the puppies.

  3. The main rule is that kittens cannot smile or laugh.

  4. Puppies must say hello to the kittens in any way possible and try to make any of them smile or laugh.

  5. Puppies may not cross the line on the floor, but everything else is allowed.

  6. When a kitten smiles or laughs, it automatically becomes a puppy and must cross to the other side of the line.

  7. Continue until only one kitten is left standing as the winner!



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