The Emotional Bank Account

Just like a financial account, our emotional connections require careful management of deposits and withdrawals to remain in a positive balance. The concept of the "emotional bank account" is a powerful analogy that highlights how our interactions either build up or deplete the trust and goodwill in our relationships.

Each kind word, act of service, or expression of appreciation makes a deposit into the emotional account with that person. These proactive investments of care and attention create a reservoir of positive feelings and security within the relationship. However, every harsh comment, broken promise, or selfish action makes a withdrawal, slowly draining the account.

When we neglect making enough deposits, inevitably the relationship falls into an overdrawn state. The feelings of hurt, resentment and disconnection that arise are like fees charged against a depleted account balance. Conflict becomes more likely as the emotional reserves are drained.

On the other hand, relationships with a plentiful store of emotional deposits enjoy more understanding and resilience during tough times. The goodwill built up can cover the occasional withdrawal without pushing the account into insolvency.

Moreover, not all transactions are equal in value. A betrayal of trust or broken commitment equates to a massive withdrawal that is difficult to recover from. Conversely, being present during life's most difficult moments for someone makes an enormous deposit in the emotional account.

To cultivate enriching relationships:

  • Notice withdrawals like criticism, neglect or broken promises and promptly make deposits to offset them

  • During conflicts, acknowledge the emotional overdraft and prioritize rebuilding the account through apologies and repaired trust

  • Celebrate accomplishments, practice active listening, and extend forgiveness freely to make consistent deposits.

  • For deepest connections, safeguard against costly withdrawals and make abundant investments during life's most pivotal moments

Just as financial wealth is cultivated through diligent budgeting and saving, our life's greatest riches are the emotional bank accounts built through cherishing relationships. With intentional investment, we can enjoy the wealth of resilient bonds that withstand anything.


Harnessing Intrinsic Motivation


Dosing Up on Effectiveness