Quick Coaching

We worry that coaching takes a long time; after all, we work in fast paced environments so our staff might need quick answers to questions.

However, if we understand that coaching is about helping people sorting through their own thinking and taking ownership of their choices and actions – then it can be applied in day-to-day interactions.

How? At the onset, when someone approaches you for a problem to solve, a decision they need to make, or an action planned for implementation – don’t answer it. Instead, do the following –

Ask #1 – “What do you think you should do?” – to which they are positioned to think and come up with a way forward.

Ask #2 – “Do you think this is the best way forward?” – This pushes them a little bit further to stand behind their solution.

Ask #3 – “So what are you going to do now/next?” – They now have to commit to an action.

Asking the three questions only takes a moment or two, but it is coaching – you are developing them, increasing their capacity to make decisions, building their self-belief; and pushing them to take responsibility and ownership for their choices.

Over time you should also reap the benefits – your time is freed up because they are dealing with questions and issues themselves and becoming more capable.


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