Pecha Kucha

Pecha Kucha is a simple presentation format where you show 20 images, each for 20 seconds. The images forward automatically and you talk alongside the images. 

It’s a fun learning and presentation technique for sharing ideas where the goal is to create together a series of visual images that tells a story quickly and in relevant detail.

The intent of the exercise is to allow a group to report their thinking about an issue in a rapid but comprehensive and visually stimulating fashion. 

This presentation technique works well both at the start of a longer session to enable groups to introduce themselves, but also at the close of a program, to summarize what happened and what was achieved.

Here’s how to set it up –

  1. Divide the participants into teams, probably not larger than 10 people each.

  2. Explain to the participants what the topic is on which they are reporting.

  3. Your presentation may have no more and no less than 20 slides, with each showing for 20 seconds.

  4. Each slide must have an image – a photo, drawing, design, etc.

  5. Organize the team and its script so that each participant has a role in the presentation.

  6. Give teams at least one hour to do this work; longer if you can afford it.

  7. Facilitators keep time and may assist teams with PowerPoint and photo technology. 

  8. Ensure that presentations follow the 20 X 20 rules precisely.

  9. Enjoy the presentations and celebrate!

Derived from Pecha Kucha by Astrid Klein and Mark Dytham of Klein Dytham Architecture, Tokyo


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