Leveraging Your Career

The concept of ‘career leverage’ was formed in 1982 to capture the idea of the six different ways an individual could move in an organization. The words have seemed to have stood the test of time. 

The concept is easily remembered by reminding managers and employees that the choices spell the word LEVRR for Lateral, Enrichment, Vertical, Realignment and Relocation.

Here are the choices exactly as they were defined in 1982 by Beverly Kaye, Founder of Career Systems International –


These moves that involve a change in function and responsibility, but not necessarily a change in status or remuneration. Once considered a way of shelving “dead wood,” lateral moves are fast becoming a way for employees to broaden existing skills, learn about other areas or the organization, develop new talents, demonstrate versatility, and prepare for future vertical moves.


Career goals do not always mean moving to a greener pasture, but also involve growth in current jobs. Indeed, the actions that are easiest and quickest to show results are those directed at an employee’s present environment. Many employees who recognize opportunities available in their current jobs decide to remain in them for some time. 


Traditionally considered the only acceptable and rewarding way to develop in a career. Vertical mobility meant that one climbed the hierarchical ladder, gaining more status, responsibility, remuneration, and authority long the way.  Movement up meant success; all other movement did not count – or counted against the individual.  


These moves involve downward shifts in the hierarchy, often from a managerial position back to one as an individual contributor. An employee might choose to realign due to a desire to facilitate personal growth and development, or to change from one field of endeavor into another.


There are times and situations in which the person-to-organization mismatch is so great that it would be to the decided advantage of both if the employee were to seek growth opportunities elsewhere. When individuals feel they are at a dead end in the organization, when entrepreneurial ventures attract employees, or when personal and organizational goals are in conflict.  

As we think of today’s career patterns, these choices still exist. Which movement do you think will help give your career some leverage? Download this excel file or google sheet to find out.


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