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Impact Canvass

Impact Canvas is a visual representation that uncovers the effects of behaviors tied to integrity and professionalism. This activity will provide a hands-on understanding of the ripple effects stemming from practicing or neglecting integrity and professionalism.

When integrity and professionalism are not upheld, it can erode Trust, hinder Accountability, and shake Public Confidence. However, when these behaviors are practiced, they can build Trust, enhance Accountability, and bolster Public Confidence.

These effects extend beyond individual actions: they influence the broader dynamics within our organizations – shaping Culture and impacting Relationships.

Objective of the Impact Canvass: To visually depict the ripple effects of demonstrating behaviors related to integrity and professionalism.

  1. Provide each participant with a sheet of paper and writing materials.

  2. Explain the purpose of the activity: "The Impact Canvas aims to visualize the effects of behaviors related to integrity or professionalism within our organizational context.

  3. Have participants draw a line down the center of the paper, representing the central behavior related to integrity or professionalism. Write the behavior indicative of either integrity or professionalism at the canter of the paper.

  4. Example behaviors for Professionalism could be: Reliability (consistently meeting deadlines and commitments, demonstrating dependability in tasks and responsibilities) or Respectful Communication (using courteous language and tone in all interactions, valuing diverse perspectives and treating others with dignity). For Integrity: Consistency (aligning actions with principles and values consistently, avoiding contradictions or hypocrisy) or Fairness (treating everyone equitably, making impartial decisions regardless of personal biases or external pressures).

  5. On the left side of the line, participants indicate the effects on Trust, Accountability, or Public Confidence if the behavior is not practiced.

  6. On the right side of the line, participants indicate the effects on Trust, Accountability, or Public Confidence if the behavior is practiced.

  7. Continue by illustrating the further impact of the practice or non-practice of Trust, Accountability, or Public Confidence

  8. If Trust, Accountability, or Public Confidence is affected (positively or negatively), participants indicate on the respective side how it influences Culture or Relationships – example: Negative Impact of No Trust on Organizational Culture: Distrustful Environment, or Low Morale. Positive Impact of Trust on Organizational Culture: Enhanced Productivity, and Employee Satisfaction.

  • After completion, initiate a discussion by having participants share their illustrations. Encourage them to explain their visualizations and the interconnectedness of behaviors and outcomes within the organizational context.

  • Lead a reflection on the patterns observed and the significance of individual behaviors in shaping organizational culture and relationships.

  • Summarize the activity by emphasizing the collective impact of individual actions related to integrity and professionalism on organizational dynamics.