How to Be a Good Mentee

Being a mentee requires more than just showing up and meeting your mentor. Here are some tips for mentees that will prepare them to maximize their time with their mentor – leading to a happy and helpful mentorship.

Remember Your Mentor is a Volunteer

Your mentor is taking time out of their schedule to help you develop and grow. As a good mentee, be aware of and minimize time wasters during your meetings. Also, show gratitude for the time and advice, and never act rudely or attempt to downplay their knowledge.

Take Responsibility for Your Own Learning

Your mentor cannot do everything for you, they can only give you tools and guidance. You must be willing to take charge of your learning by asking questions and actively participating in the conversations.

Set Realistic Expectations with Your Mentor

Your mentor is a guide; they are not going to do everything for you. Expecting them to do so can lead to unsuccessful mentor matches. A successful mentee sets goals and expectations at the beginning to put the mentorship on a solid foundation and avoid awkward mishaps.

Come to Each Meeting with a Prepared Agenda

This ties in with setting realistic expectations. If you have a prepared agenda for each meeting, you are much more likely to stay on task and optimize the time you have together. Make sure you stay consistent and set expectations early.

Be Open About Your Needs and Provide Feedback to Your Mentor

Like any other relationship, your mentorship must be suited to fit your needs. And like in any other relationship, telling your mentor what you need from them will allow you to flourish. Be honest with your needs and let them know if you’re not able to move forward.

Recognize Your Mentor’s Limitations

Your mentor may be phenomenal, but they will have a limit to their knowledge and abilities. Don’t get frustrated because they cannot help you. Talk with them and work in areas where they can. If you need guidance beyond that which your mentor can give you, ask for their recommendation to help you find others who have those skills.

Take Risks

Your mentorship offers the opportunity to have someone else committed to your progress. They will help you remove barriers and pull you out of your comfort zone. Don’t fight them on this. Leaving your comfort zone is often where the real work happens.

Be Flexible and Learn

A mentorship can be an amazing and productive way to improve yourself. Take advantage of this relationship and learn as much as you can but constantly be aware of ways to better yourself and the relationship. Flexibility will help you be a better mentee in this regard.


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