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Most of the fears we face are not real; they are merely thoughts. We only fear what we haven't understood. There's this old Sufi story about the tragedy of fear –

On a charming little island abundant in thick vegetation in green pastures, there lived a very special cow that lead a rather strange life. During the day, with the sun shining bright in the sky, the cow would merrily wander through the fields, eating the lush grass and enjoying itself. But the moment the sun went down and darkness fell on the island the cow would become very agitated and frightened.

“What is to become of me? Is all the grass finished? I can't see anything at all around me. What am I going to do?” she would ask herself as she wandered through the night hardly able to sleep a wink out of fear.

When day broke again, however, and the sun once again shone over the island, and the green grass could be seen all around, the cow would jump for joy, forget the troubles of the night and eat again to her heart’s content.

That is, of course, until night fell once again and the cycle would continue. And thus, day after day, the cow would live her life.

Fear is a kind of manipulative thought that prevents us from trying and doing it is an excellent excuse for all I want to do but don't do we gain strength and courage and confidence by each experience in this really stop to look fear in the face.

Some thoughts for reflection – Is it possible to fear nothing at all? How much of my life is dictated by my fears? Am I willing to approach my fear and understand it? What do I refrain from doing just because I am afraid?