Cumulative Pull Up

Team building games, exercises and activities help build teams, develop employee motivation, improve communications and are fun. They can also enhance business projects, giving specific business outputs and organizational benefits. One of my favorites is this gem called Cumulative Pull Up. It’s very simple – participants sit down, link ends and attempt to stand up as one unit.

Here’s how it works –

  1. Ask participants to pair up – they can group into three if there is an odd number of participants.

  2. Ask the pairs to sit facing each other. The pairs link hands and, by pulling on each other, stand up together.

  3. When the exercise has been completed with pairs, ask the pairs to find another pair and for a group and repeat the exercise.

  4. Combine the fours to make eights and repeat.

  5. If they are not already doing so, suggest that the group can experiment with grips, for example gripping wrists and forearms, to help each other stand up.

  6. Continue the exercise until the group discovers the largest number of participants that can be combined to complete a cooperative pull up.

Obviously, this is a cooperative and creative exercise where you can discuss trust, cooperation, leadership and creative holds.


Stakeholder Engagement in Change Management

