The Seven Characteristics of Strategic Thinkers

Strategic Thinking is defined as the process that determines the manner in which people think about, assess, view, and create the future for themselves and others. It’s a combination of mindset and techniques that determines one’s ability to know their goal and how to achieve it.

7 Characteristics Of Strategic Thinkers –

  • Vision: they use a mix of logic and creativity to define ambitious but rigorous visions of what needs to be achieved.

  • Framework: taking into account their own biases, timeline and resources, they can define their objectives and develop multiple action plans.

  • Perceptiveness: they observe and understand the world from all the different perspectives.

  • Assertiveness: They’re good at evaluating, deciding and promptly executing their decisions without letting doubts fog their vision.

  • Flexibility: they seek advice to compensate for their weaknesses and then twist their ideas and framework to achieve their goals. But they are flexible without breaking the rules.

  • Emotional Balance: they are aware and balance their emotions so as to favor the achievement of their goals.

  • Patience: they understand that most achievements are a long-term endeavor involving various milestones and a lot of effort.

Strategic thinkers are highly sought after for leadership positions and are able to imagine the big picture, identify the possible impact of their decisions and project the way to get there.

Read the full article here.


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