Career Stages of an Employee

There are five career stages that most people will go through during their adult years, regardless of the type of work they do. These stages are exploration, establishment, mid-career, late career and decline.

Stage 1: Exploration

This period is a time when a number of expectations about one’s career are developed, many of which are unrealistic. Very early in our lives, our parents and teachers begin to narrow our alternatives and lead us in certain directions. Such expectations may lie dormant for years and then pop up later to frustrate both the employee and the employer.

Stage 2: Establishment

The establishment period begins with the search for work and includes our first job, learning about work ethics and gaining the first tangible evidence of success or failure in the real world. The individual in this stage has yet to reach his peak productivity and rarely gets the job that carries great power or high status.

Stage 3: Mid-Career

Most people do not face their first severe dilemmas until they reach their mid-career stage. Those who make a successful transition assume greater responsibilities and get rewards. For others, it may be a time for reassessment, job changes, adjustment of priorities or the pursuit of alternative lifestyles.

Stage 4: Late Career

For those who continue to grow through the mid- career stage, the late career usually is a pleasant time when one is allowed the luxury to relax a bit. It is the time when one can enjoy the respect given to him by younger employees. During the late career, individuals are no longer learning, they teach others on the basis of the knowledge they have gained.

Stage 5: Decline

The final stage in one’s career is difficult for everyone but it is hardest for those who have had continued successes in the earlier stages. After several decades of continuous achievements and high levels of performance, the time has come for retirement.


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