Building a Vision: A Creative Workshop Closure Activity

At the end of a productive and engaging workshop, it's essential to conclude with a meaningful and collaborative activity that synthesizes the key learnings and inspires participants to apply their newfound knowledge.

"Building a Vision" is a creative closure exercise designed to help participants visualize their collective goals and aspirations, fostering a sense of shared vision and commitment.

The objective of this activity is for participants to create a visual representation of their collective goals and aspirations through a collaborative and creative vision board activity.

Materials Needed:

  • Flip chart papers or large poster boards

  • Markers in various colors

  • Magazines with diverse images and texts

  • Glue sticks or tape


  1. Form Groups: Divide the participants into small groups of 3 to 5 individuals. Each group will collaborate to create a vision board.

  2. Define Your Vision: Start by discussing among your group members the most significant takeaways and insights from the workshop. Identify the key goals and aspirations that resonate with the participants.

  3. Visualize the Future: Using the materials provided, unleash your creativity! Create a vision board that visually represents your collective vision of the future, incorporating the key goals and aspirations identified by your group. Use images, words, phrases, and illustrations from the magazines to bring your vision to life.

  4. Include Key Elements: Ensure your vision board includes the most important elements that reflect the goals and aspirations shared by the group during the workshop.

  5. Present Your Vision: After 20-30 minutes of creative brainstorming and collaboration, each group will present their vision board to the entire workshop. Take turns explaining the insights and thought processes behind each element depicted on the board.

  6. Share and Reflect: During the presentations, engage in discussions about the shared themes, innovative ideas, and potential action steps that emerge from all the vision boards. Consider how these visions can be applied to your personal and professional lives moving forward.

The "Building a Vision" activity serves as a powerful way to conclude any workshop, allowing participants to collectively visualize their goals and aspirations. By creating a visual representation of their shared vision, participants gain a deeper understanding of the workshop's key takeaways and are inspired to apply this knowledge in their respective fields.


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