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Becoming a Positive Leader

Leaders directly influence the behaviors of others, and positive leadership makes a difference in productivity, satisfaction, and happiness at work. Leading with positivity also helps to build trust among colleagues, and it becomes safer to open up to change. Here are some ways why you should lead with positivity –

Positive teams are productive teams. Confident and supportive cultures are more collaborative and creative and ultimately attract hardworking, talented people. When you lead with a positive attitude in a supportive climate, people will go above and beyond what’s necessary. When people feel appreciated, they become more confident and produce their best work.

Positivity creates resilience. This year has been riddled with shifts and obstacles. When leaders have an optimistic perspective, employees feel a glimmer of hope and show their grit. The better your attitude, the quicker we can rebound from challenges. When people see your resilience, they feel braver and hardier themselves.

Optimism improves problem-solving and connects teams. Optimism allows you to see beyond problems and recognize potential solutions. Hopeful people are less likely to wallow in frustration and discouragement. Positive leaders also unite instead of divide, and unity can be the difference between a great team and an average team. As a positive leader, you must be a unifier and connector who fosters relationships between others.

Positive leaders know that positive energy unlocks human potential and, therefore, engagement at work. Positive leaders challenge their educators in their areas of expertise. They do not merely fill gaps revealed by a competency model. Positive leaders find a way to maximize educators’ strengths. Unfortunately, leadership cannot be fixed just by applying a new technique. No program, policy, or project will do the trick. Instead, leaders need new lenses with which to look at leadership—and rewire it.

Your attitude is your superpower.